Additions to this page made in Spring 2014 are indicated by a gold border.

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Recently in-print book.

Text in a periodical.

Phone/tablet app.

Out-of-print book.

Text in CD format.

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Online material
(clickable link).

Material in audio format.
Anonymous -- "Fame"
Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 173.
Anonymous -- "On Proud Masters"
Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 170.
Anonymous -- "On Youth and Love"
Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 170.
Anonymous -- "Running to the Stable"
Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 173-4.
Anonymous -- "Time Destroys Everything"
Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 173.
Anonymous -- "Twelve Songs on the Siege of the Bright Mountains of Częstochowa": excerpts.
Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 170-2.
Fabian Birkowski (1566-1636)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Klemens Bolesławiusz (1625-1689)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Wojciech Stanisław Chróściński (Chruściński) (1665-after 1717)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Krzysztof Dorohostajski (1562-1615)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Jan Dzwonowski (?-?)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Andrzej Fredro (1620-1679)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Jakub Kazimierz Haur (1637-1709)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński (circa 1590-circa 1644)
"A Bad Woman." Trans. Mirosław Lipiński. Treasury of Polish Love: Poems, Quotations, Proverbs in Polish and English. Ed. Mirosław Lipiński. New York: Hippocrene. 1995. 26-27.
Marek Jakimowski (?-?)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Jan Łazarzowic Januszowski (Podworzewski) (1550-1613)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Mikołaj Jemiołowski (circa 1620-circa 1693)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Olbrycht Karmanowski (?-?)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Piotr Kochanowski (1566-1620)
Gofred, or Jerusalem Delivered: excerpt of Kochanowski's Polish translation of Torquatto Tasso's Gerusaleme Liberata. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 66-69.
Wespazjan Kochowski (1633-1700)
4 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter. Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 365-383.
- "A Curse on the Sons of the Cross."
- "A Full Glass for Victory."
- "A Monument for Brave Soldiers."
- "Psalm XXVI."

6 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "A Curse on the Sons of the Crown Who Break Up the Diets." 149-150.
- "Polish Epigrams In Our Language: Trifles."
- "Gold Scepters: Insignia of the Renowned Academy." 151-152.
- "Old-fashioned Manners." 152.
- "Pares ab Adam." 152
- "Requirements for Good Cheer." 152.
- "Song XVII: A Monument to the Brave Soldiers Fallen on the Battlefield of Batoh with Their Hetman Marcin Kalinowski, Voivode of Czernichów." 147-148.
"Deus, Auribus Nostris Audivimus: Paean of Thanksgiving for the Victory at Vienna." Trans. Gerard T. Kapolka.
The Polish Review 28.3 (1983): 5-6.
Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski (1642-1702)
An Account of the Secret Services of Monsieur de Vernay, the French Minister at Ratisbonne to Count Teckeley: As They Pass'd by Way of Letter, with the Cypher and Key Taken from the Original, Printed in French at Ratisbonne: Together with the Speech and Memorial of the Imperial Minister Zorowiski, Deliver'd to the King of Poland: to Which is Added Mercurius Panegyricus.. Trans. unknown. Ratisbonne: 1683.
3 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Staropolska On-line.
- "A quiet moment comes after a storm . . ."
- "Somnus."
- "Sonnet on the Great Suffering of Jesus Christ."

3 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter and Harold B. Segel.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 385-393.

6 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "The Poems of Lent: Coepit Lavare Discipulorum Pedes [He Began to Wash the Disciples' Feet]." 161.
- "A Quiet Moment Comes After a Storm." 162-163.
- "The River Tiger." 162.
- "Sarah's Prayer." 161.
- "Somnus." 158-159.
- "Sonnet on the Great Suffering of Jesus Christ." 160.
Marianna Marchocka (Mother Teresa of Jesus) (1603-1652)
Spiritual Autobiography of a Carmelite Nun. Trans. and ed. Ursula Phillips. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria U. in U. Toronto. Forthcoming.
Samuel Maskiewicz (circa 1580-1640)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Anna Memorata (1612-?)
No English translations of her work appear to be available at this time.
Kasper Miaskowski (circa 1550-1622)
2 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Staropolska On-line.
- "On Harvest."
- "On a Painted Glass Goblet."
2 Poems. Trans. several.
Poets and Poetry of Poland: A Collection of Polish Verse. Ed. Paul Soboleski. Milwaukee, WI: Paul Soboleski Society. 1929.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book.
Google E-book..
- "Dialogue between Death and a Young Maiden." 58-59.
- "Who Is a True Sailor?" 59.

3 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Renaissance Literature: an Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, OH: Slavica. 1995.
- "The Elegy of Penitence to the Holiest Virgin and Mother." 273-274.
- "On Harvest." 275.
- "On a Painted Glass Goblet." 274-275.

"On a Painted Glass Goblet." Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 227-229.
Jakub Michałowski (1612-1663)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Hieronim Morsztyn (circa 1581 - circa 1623)
2 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Jan Rybicki's Polish Modern Poetry website.
- "A Man."
- "Mors Ultima Linea Rerum."

3 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at
Staropolska On-line.
- "A Man."
- "Mors Ultima Linea Rerum."
- "A Pleasant Counsel."

4 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 267-277.
- "Fortunate Years."
- "Steward Wealth."
- "Time."
- "Worldly Pleasure."

6 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "A Man." 81-82.
- "Mors Ultima Linea Rerum" ("Death Is the Line That Marks the End of All"). 81.
- "Non Licet Plus Efferre, Quam Intuleris" ("You May Take Away No More Than You Brought In"). 80.
- "A Pleasant Counsel." 82.
- "Time." 80-81.
- "To Niemsta on His Third Marriage." 82.
Jan Andrzej Morsztyn (1621-1693)
4 Poems. Treasury of Polish Love: Poems, Quotations, Proverbs in Polish and English. Ed. Mirosław Lipiński. New York: Hippocrene. 1995.
- "A Smart Maid." Trans. Mirosław Lipiński. 24-25.
- "To a Butterfly." Trans. Mirosław Lipiński. 22-23.
- "To His Mistress." Trans. Watson Kirkconnell. 20-21.
- "To Walek." Trans. Mirosław Lipiński. 24-25.

4 Poems.
Love Poems from Around the World. Ed. Editors of Hippocrene Books. Hippocrene. 2000.
- "A Butterfly." Trans. not identified. 322.
- "A Smart Maid." Trans. not identified. 323.
- "To His Mistress." Trans. not identified. 322.
- "To Walek." Trans. not identified. 323.

9 Poems. Trans. Michael J.Mikoś at
Staropolska On-line.
- "Bee in Amber."
- "A Clever Maiden."
- "Inconstancy" ["Sooner one will bag the wind . . ."].
- "Inconstancy" ["Your eyes are fire . . ."].
- "On His Young Lady."
- "To a Butterfly: Sonnet."
- "To a Corpse: Sonnet."
- "To a Young Lady."
- "The Wonders of Love: Sonnet."

10 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter and Harold B. Segel.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 303-323.
- "Bee in Amber."
- "Departure."
- "Inconstancy: 'The sooner will you trap the wind . . .'"
- "On His Mistress."
- "On the Little Cross on a Certain Lady's Breast."
- "A Smart Maiden."
- "To a Butterfly."
- "To a Corpse."
- "To His Mistress."
- "To Walek."

11 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Jan Rybicki's
Polish Modern Poetry website.
- "Bee in Amber."
- "The Fair Sex."
- "Inconstancy" ("Sooner one will bag the wind . . .")
- "Inconstancy" ("Your eyes are fire . . .").
- "On His Young Lady."
- "Safe Treasure."
- "To a Butterfly."
- "To a Corpse."
- "To the Same Lady."
- "To a Young Lady."
- "The Wonders of Love."

13 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "Bee in Amber." 115.
- "A Clever Maiden." 115.
- "The Fair Sex." 113.
- "Inconstancy" ["Sooner one will bag the wind . . ."]. 112.
- "Inconstancy" ["Your eyes are fire . . ."]. 114.
- "On His Young Lady." 113.
- "To the Same Lady." 113-114.
- "Safe Treasure." 114.
- "To a Butterfly: Sonnet." 118.
- "To a Corpse: Sonnet." 116.
- "To a Lady." 115
- "To a Young Lady." 114.
- "The Wonders of Love: Sonnet." 115-116.
Amoretti: na glos, lutnie i viole da gamba [For Voice, Lute and Viola da Gamba]. [Musical Score] Marek Stachowski, with lyrics by Morsztyn and Edmund Spenser. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne. 1992. Bilingual.

"Fickle." Trans. Jarosław Zawadzki.
Wolne Lektury. Modern Poland Foundation.
Selected Masterpieces of Polish Poetry. Ed. Jarosław Zawadzki. Shenzhen, 2007. 18-19. E-book in PDF format.
Selected Masterpieces of Polish Poetry. Ed. Jarosław Zawadzki. Shenzhen, 2007. 18-19.
"To a Corpse." Trans. and Ed. Jarosław Zawadzki.
Selected Masterpieces of Polish Poetry. Shenzhen, 2007. 20-21.
Print format.
E-book in PDF format.

"To His Mistress." Trans. unknown.
Slavonic Review 14 (July 1935): 2.
Zbigniew Morsztyn (1633-1700)
5 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter. Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 325-349.
- "Emblem 8: `My heart, scorched and burned . . .'"
- "Emblem 41: `My Bridegroom, onto Your own holy hands . . .'"
- "Human Thought."
- "The Nose."
- "Song of Captivity."

8 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "Emblem 8." 143.
- "Emblem 39." 143-144.
- "Emblem 41." 144-145.
- "Emblem 47." 145.
- "Epitaph: For Both Parents." 142.
- "Epitaph: For Captain Paweł Morsztyn, Killed at Batoh." 142.
- "Song of Captivity." 136-141.
- "To a Virtuous Lady." 136.

"Emblem 51." Trans. Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns Singer.
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time. Ed. Katharine Washburn and John S. Major. W.W. Norton. 1998. 658.
Emblems. Trans. Anita Jones Debska. Torun, PL: The Attic Press. 2010.
Magdalena Mortęska (1554-1631)
No English translations of her work appear to be available at this time.
Daniel Naborowski (1573-1640)
3 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Staropolska On-line.
- "The Brevity of Life."
- "To Ann."
- "Virtue is the Root of Everything."

5 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter and Harold B. Segel.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 255-265.
- "The Brevity of Life."
- "On the Eyes of the English Princess."
- "On the Same Subject."
- "Spectacle: Calando Poggiando, Now Up, Now Down."
- "To Anna."

8 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "A Bad Wife." 74.
- "The Brevity of Life." 75.
- "Epitaph for Jan Kochanowski, Polish Poet." 74-75.
- "On the Same." 75-76.
- "An Unexpected Response." 74.
- "Virtue is the Root of Everything." 76-77.
- "Votum." 77-78.
"The Raspberry." Trans. not identified.
The Polish Land: An Anthology in Prose and Verse. Ed. Marion Moore Coleman. Compiled by Klub Polski of Columbia University. Trenton, NJ: White Eagle Publishing. 1943. 97.
"Vanity." Trans. and Ed. Jarosław Zawadzki.
Selected Masterpieces of Polish Poetry. Shenzhen, 2007. 26-27.
Print format.
E-book in PDF format.
Krzysztof Opaliński (1605-1655)
"Satire III: On Burdens and Oppressions of Peasants in Poland." Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 104-108.
Łukasz Opaliński (1612-1662)
"Coffin--the Measure of Things" from The New Poet. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 110-111.
Jerzy Ossoliński (1595-1650)
[Ottoman Threat to Poland] A True Copy of the Latine Oration of the Escellent Lord George Ossolinski, Count Palatine of Tenizyn and Sendomyria, Chamberlain to the Kings Majestie of Poland . . . As It Was Pronounced to His Majestie . . .With the Translation of the Same into English: commanded by His Majestie to Be Published in Print.. Trans. unknown. London: Printed [by George Purslowe] for W. Lee. 1621. In book and microform; also available via Proquest's Early English Books Online (library subscription service).
Paweł Palczowski (circa 1570-1609)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Anna Teresa Piotrowczykowa (?-?)
No English translations of her work appear to be available at this time.
Jadwiga Piotrowczykowa (?-?)
No English translations of her work appear to be available at this time.
Wacław Potocki (1621-1696)
2 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Jan Rybicki's Polish Modern Poetry website.
- "What the Eyes Cannot See, the Heart Does Not Regret."
- "The World -- a Prison."

3 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter and Harold B. Segel.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 351-363.
- "Let it Sleep, Drunk."
- "The War of Khotim."
- "What Time Finds, Time Ruins."

10 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "Let the Drunk World Sleep: Third Poem on the Subject." 127-128.
- "Man's Life." 127.
- "On My Poems." 126.
- The Progress of the War of Chocim: selections. 119-123.
- "Shaved or Shorn." 126.
- "What Man Cannot Conceal." 125.
- "What the Eyes Cannot See, the Heart Does Not Regret: On the Eyes Getting Dim in Old Age." 128-129.
- "What Time Finds, Time Ruins." 125.
- "Wise Answers." 126-127.
- "The World--a Prison." 125.
"Marriage." Trans. Mirosław Lipiński.
Treasury of Polish Love: Poems, Quotations, Proverbs in Polish and English. Ed. Mirosław Lipiński. New York: Hippocrene. 1995. 26-27.

"On His Own Poems." Trans. editors of
The Sarmatian Review.
The Sarmatian Review 13.3 (Sept. 1993).

"Winter, Before the War." Trans. Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns. Singer.
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time. Ed. Katharine Washburn and John S. Major. W.W. Norton. 1998. 659.
Hiacynt Przetocki (1599-1655)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Walenty Roździeński (circa 1560-1622)
Officina Ferraria: A Polish Poem of 1612 Describing the Noble Craft of Ironwork. Trans. Stefan Pluszczewski. Ed. Wacław Rozanski and Cyril Stanley Smith. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1977.
Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski ("Casimire") (1595-1640)
3 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at Jan Rybicki's Polish Modern Poetry website.
- "Longing for the Heavenly Homeland."
- "To My Lute."
- "To the Holy Virgin Mother."

4 Poems. Trans. several.
Poets and Poetry of Poland: A Collection of Polish Verse. Ed. Paul Soboleski. Milwaukee, WI: Paul Soboleski Society. 1929.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book version.
Google E-book version.
- "A Thought." 87.
- "To the Cicada." 82.
- "To Liberty." 83-87.
- "To the Polish and Lithuanian Knights." 82-83.

4 Odes. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś at
Staropolska On-line.
- I 19: "Longing for the Heavenly Homeland."
- II 3: "To My Lute."
- II 19: "From the Song of Songs."
- II 26: "To the Holy Virgin Mother."
7 Poems. from
Specimens of the Polish Poets; with Notes and Observations on the Literature of Poland. Trans. and Ed. John Bowring. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. 1827.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book.
Google E-book.
- "Alcaics: To his Lyre." 104.
- "Choriambics: To the Cicada." 103-104.
- Sapphics: "To a Rose." 98-99.
- Sapphics: "To the Polish and Lithuanian Knights." 99-102.
- Sapphics: "To Publius." 102-103.
- "To Liberty." 105-110.

7 Odes. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś (from the Polish; trans. from Latin into Polish variously).
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- I 19: "Longing for the Heavenly Homeland." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Władysław Syrokomla. 89-90.
- II 3: "To My Lute." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. 91.
- II 3: "To My Lute." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Tadeusz Karyłowski. 92.
- II 19: "From the Song of Songs: My Beloved Is Like a Roe or Like a Young Hart." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Tadeusz Karyłowski. 92-93.
- II 26: "To the Holy Virgin Mother." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Julian Ejsmond. 93-94.
- II 26: "To the Holy Virgin Mother: When Poland Was Afflicted by Storms, Famine, and War." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Tadeusz Karyłowski. 94.
- III 3: "To Cardinal Francesco Barberini: Compassion Is a Great Attribute of Princes." Based on a Latin-to-Polish translation by Tadeusz Karyłowski. 94.
Casimir Britannicus: English Translations, Paraphrases, and Emulations of the Poetry of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski. Ed. Krzysztof Fordoński and Piotr Urbański. London: Modern Humanities Research Association. 2008 ed.; also 2010 rev. ed.
The Odes of Casimire. Trans. G. H. London: Printed by T.W. for Humphrey Moseley. 1646. Available via Proquest's Early English Books Online (library subscription service).
The Odes of Casimire. Trans. G. Hils.
Augustan Reprint Society Publication #44. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, U California. 1953. [Another edition--New York: Kraus Reprint Corp. 1967.]
Project Gutenberg E-book.
The Rose. [Musical score.] Trans. John Hervey. London: P.H. 1775.
Wood-Notes: the Silviludia Poetica. Trans. unknown. Newcastle, Eng: M.A. Richardson. 1848.
Translations from Casimir, &c. With Poems, Odes, and Specimens of Latin Prose. [Trans. and?] Ed. Jesse Kitchener. London: Priestley, 1821.
Google E-book.
Print format.
Simeon of Poland (Simeon Lehatsi) (1584-circa 1637)
"An Armenian Pilgrimage to Rome." from The Travel Accounts of Simeon of Poland. Trans. George A. Bournoutian. In Orientations: An Anthology of East European Travel Writing, ca. 1550-2000. Ed. Wendy Bracewell. New York: Central European University Press. 2009. 25-27.
The Travel Accounts of Simeon of Poland. Trans. George A. Bournoutian. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Pub. 2007.
Jakub Sobieski (1590-1646)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Jan III Sobieski (1629-1696)
2 Letters. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "In the Visier's Tents, September 13 [1683], at Night." 132-135.
- "Letters to Marysieńka: Pielaskowice, on Tuesday, [June 9, 1665]." 130-132.
Anna Stanisławska (1652-1700)
A Transaction or an Account of the Entire Life of an Orphan Girl by way of Plaintful Threnodies in the Year 1685: The Aesop Episode. Trans. Barry Keane. Warsaw, PL: Sub Lupa Academic Publishing. 2013.
Szymon Starowolski (circa 1588-1656)
2 Pieces. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- "Lament of the Distressed Mother, the Polish Crown." 86-88.
- "Stanisław Żółkiewski" from Sarmatian Warriors. 83-
Szymon Szymonowic (Simon Simonides) (1558-1629)
5 Poems. Trans. several. Poets and Poetry of Poland: A Collection of Polish Verse. Ed. Paul Soboleski. Milwaukee, WI: Paul Soboleski Society. 1929.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book version.
Google E-book version.
- "The Hare." 68.
- "The Old Cock." 68.
- "Sielanka I: Pastoral Eclogue - Daphnis." 61-63.
- "Sielanka XIV: Witchcraft - The Jealous Wife." 64-68.
- "The Wolf." 68.
5 Poems. from
Specimens of the Polish Poets; with Notes and Observations on the Literature of Poland. Trans. and Ed. John Bowring. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. 1827.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book.
Google E-book.
- Epigram: "The Hare." 81.
- Epigram: "The Old Cock." 82.
- Epigram: "The Wolf." 81.
- "Sielanka I, Pastoral Eclogue." 70-74.
- "Sielanka XIV, Witchcraft." 74-81.

"The Reapers." Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Renaissance Literature: an Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, OH: Slavica. 1995. 262-269.

"The Weddings Cakes" and "The Suitors" (excerpt). Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 231-247.
Jakub Teodor Trembecki (1643-circa 1719)
4 Poems. Trans. Mirosław Lipiński. Treasury of Polish Love: Poems, Quotations, Proverbs in Polish and English. Ed. Mirosław Lipiński. New York: Hippocrene. 1995.
- "The Fair Sex." 28-29.
- "A Lutheran Minister." 28-29.
- "To One Lady." 26-27.
- "A Woman's Inheritance." 28-29.
Kasper Twardowski (circa 1592-1641)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Samuel Twardowski (1600-1660)
4 Poems. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996.
- Daphne Changed Into a Laurel Tree: selections. 96-100.
- "Epitaph for Sir Samuel Twardowski, Polish Poet, Written by Himself in 1661." 102.
- "Fair Pasqualina": selection. 100-101.
- "To Marianna Twardowska: My Delightful Child, Only Daughter, Written by Her Father." 101-102.
Piotr Zblitowski (1569-1649)
No English translations of his work appear to be available at this time.
Bartłomiej Zimorowic (1597-1673)
3 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter. Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 293-301.
- "Lasota."
- "Miłosz."
- "The Singers."
Szymon Zimorowic (1608-1629)
4 Poems. Trans. several. Poets and Poetry of Poland: A Collection of Polish Verse. Ed. Paul Soboleski. Milwaukee, WI: Paul Soboleski Society. 1929.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book version.
Google E-book version.
- "Sielanka" ["Maid of Roxolania fair! . . ."]. 72-73.
- "Sielanka" ["Rosina, while dancing an orange convey'd . . ."]. 72.
- "Sielanka" ["Zephyr! that gently o'er Ukraine art flying . . ."]. 71-72.
- "Song." 70-1.
5 Poems. from
Specimens of the Polish Poets; with Notes and Observations on the Literature of Poland. Trans. and Ed. John Bowring. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. 1827.
Print version.
Internet Archive E-book.
Google E-book.
- "Sielanka" ["It is not gold I entreat . . ."]. 90-92.
- "Sielanka" ["Maid of Roxolania fair! . . ."]. 93-94.
- "Sielanka" ["Rosina while dancing, an orange conveyed . . ."]. 92-93.
- "Sielanka" ["Zephyr! that gently o'er Ukraine art flying . . ."'. 88-89.
- "Song" ["I saw thee from my casement high . . ."]. 86-88.

5 Poems. Trans. Bogdana Carpenter/John R. Carpenter.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry. A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989. 279-291.
- "Bineda."
- "Halcydis."
- "Helenora."
- "Hiacynth."
- "Hippolyte."

"Cycerina." Trans. Michael J. Mikoś.
Polish Renaissance Literature: an Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, OH: Slavica. 1995. 270-272.
Jan Żabczyc (?-1629)
#20 and #34 from Angelic Symphonies. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 70-73.
Stanisław Żółkiewski (1547-1620)
"Beginning and Progress of the Muscovy War . . ."; excerpt. Trans. Michael J. Mikoś. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, Ohio/Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 1996. 59-65.
Expedition to Moscow: a Memoir. Trans. M.W. Stephen. London: Polonica Publications. 1959.
Monumenta Polonica: The First Four Centuries of Polish Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter. Ann Arbor: [University of] Michigan Slavic Publications. 1989.
Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Slavica Publishers. 1996.
Polish Literature from the Middle Ages to the End of the Eighteenth Century: a Bilingual Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Warsaw: Constans. 1999.
Polish Renaissance Literature: an Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. Columbus, OH: Slavica. 1995.
Braun, Kazimierz. A Concise History of Polish Theater from the Eleventh to the Twentieth Centuries. Mellen Press. 2003.
Mikoś, Michael J. "Baroque: Literary Background." From Polish Literature from the Middle Ages to the End of the Eighteenth Century. A Bilingual Anthology. Michael J. Mikoś. Warsaw: Constans. 1999. Staropolska On-line.